Catholic Churches Burned, Vandalized over Weekend as Police Investigate: ‘Where’s the Outrage?’

A slew of Catholic churches from Florida to California were burned and vandalized over the weekend as police continue to investigate whether or not they are connected to protests targeting symbols and statues.

Following George Floyd’s police-related death in May, Black Lives Matter leaders and protesters called for the toppling of statues, from Confederate symbols to former U.S. presidents and abolitionists. Activist Shaun King called for all images depicting Jesus as a “White European” and his mother to be torn down because they’re forms of “White supremacy” and “racist propaganda.”

Meanwhile, peopleĀ on social media point out the lack of mainstream coverage of the weekend incidents.

“Churches are being burned to the ground. What?,” Mike Cernovich, a controversial right-leaning author, said in a video on Twitter. “Why is this not the biggest story of the day.”

Sean Feucht, a California worship leader and pastor, commenting on the incidentsĀ asked, “Where’s the outrage?”

Radical Mob Sets Christian Community Ablaze!

Urgent prayer and funds needed!