Prayer Needed

  1. Demise of value systems, ideologies and laws that foster persecution in the Muslim world
  2. Laws against underage marriage would be passed and upheld in all provinces
  3. Fall of governments that allow persecution
  4. Government protection for, and enforcement of, freedom to practice faith
  5. Government protection against forced conversions
  6. Cleansing of the evil in legal and justice systems that allow persecution
  7. Safety for victims who have relocated or are trying to escape
  8. Safety for vulnerable women and girls
  9. Healing for the victims’ trauma
  10. Protection from persecution
  11. Strength, conviction and resilience for victims to retain their faith
  12. Freeing of those unjustly accused and incarcerated
  13. God-inspired change in the hearts of persecutors
  14. Strengthened and effective legal and justice systems in nations where persecution is prevalent
  15. Freedom of activity for CAPC team in countries where we operate
  16. Safety for the CAPC team
  17. Success of CAPC in ministry to persecuted persons
  18. Successful CAPC fundraising campaigns

We invite you to join our weekly (excluding July/August) on-line (Zoom) prayer community. Please let us know via if you wish to participate.

Radical Mob Sets Christian Community Ablaze!

Urgent prayer and funds needed!